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we need a 48” pipe wrench
我们需要一把  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
pipe wrench
【机械工程】管板手。   detail>>
all we need is a reason
我们只需要一个理由  detail>>
do we need internet
我们需要因特网吗  detail>>
love is all we need
我们需要的就是爱  detail>>
time is all we need
我们需要的只是时间  detail>>
we all need the clowns
我们都需要小丑  detail>>
we are badly in need of the goods
我方急需此货  detail>>
we are in great need of grade
我们急需一等品  detail>>
we do need it
我们真的很需要  detail>>
we need a new toaster
我们需要一个新的烤面包机  detail>>
we need a resolution
我们需决心  detail>>
we need friends
我们需要朋友  detail>>
we need humor
我们需要幽默  detail>>
we need it all
我们都需要麽  detail>>
we need more milk
还得再买点牛奶  detail>>
we need paper towels
我们需要纸巾  detail>>